That's right a friendly little 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and then a 13.1 mile run...you know, a regular day at the office. huh? ok, not really, but this is just a training race for me leading up to Ironman Arizona in 2 stinkin' months. That's right, where has the time gone. This is a race to really get the nutrition right, hammer out those miles and have fun while doing it. I also am racing where my folks live, which will be fun. It's kinda like a hometown crowd, sort of. I didn't grow up there, but at least my folks can see why I love this crazy sport of Triathlon....they've never seen me participate....er, race...in one of these.
After that I will return to good old Austin, TX and get myself ready for Austin City Limits, where I will work in a 90 mile ride and long run plus going to see some really great music. This will be my first year without my partner in crime, Stephanie, as we partied it up at the last few ACLs. Alas, she is getting ready for wife-dom and planning a wedding next month, so she is not able to rock her face off with me this year. Hopefully, it can return another year. Sam will be joining me this year and so it will be fun to have a weekend with him.
Then some work trips come my way, Chicago, NYC, LIVESTRONG Challenge in Austin. All good things to wrap up a really incredible year at LIVESTRONG. I love this next month as it has two of my favorite marathons with the Team and our hometown Challenge event. It's not too late to sign up! www.livestrongchallenge.org
One of the best parts of the last few weeks is I was able to sing at Gateway Church. I have really missed singing in the busyness of the season, so it was great to re-connect with people at church and get some time using my gift of singing. I am back in a few weeks....and then will probably not be back until December. gotta find a way to sing more. maybe that's a goal for 2010.
I hope to maybe take some time on this blog to let you all know what I am learning about myself in the midst of some big and small changes.
as always....no promises on that happening.