I had my very best friend lose her dog/best friend/companion almost one week ago in an accident. In that Andrea posed the question...will we as humans ever be able to love unconditionally as dogs do. I don't know the answer to that as this week has been a tough week. And there is so much to catch you all up on in regards to life, work, play, training....as I am sitting here in my apartment packing for a last minute trip to the East Coast I opened to write in my journal. Out of it fell a card with a prayer my Grandmother had written over 14 years ago as she passed while I was in college. There is still not a day that passes me by where I don't wish for her to be with me again. The prayer reads,
"Dear God please give me...a few friends who understand me and yet remain my friends. A work to do which has real value, without which the world would feel poorer. An understanding heart. A sense of humor. Time for quiet, silent meditation. a feeling of the presence of God and the patience to wait for the coming of these things with wisdom to know when they come."
I feel like she is here with me in this moment knowing I would need to read that.....please God give me an understanding heart...please. In so many facets of life I desperately need this. and if you could send a little patience..that would be great too.