Why do I have expectations for the Holidays that are clearly unrealistic? It's Thanksgiving and I was not intending to be by myself today being that I have been dating someone for 7 months now. Yes, his family is in town and I thought we might be together today. That is not the way it worked out at all. A conversation this morning changed everything....and I do mean everything. And with that on this holiday....I am by myself.
Making plans to go get food at Casa (where they serve it up Vegan style) and then probably a movie so I don't have to sit here in the apartment. Alone. (well, except for Eloise, my sweet dog. And truthfully, at least she won't make me cry, so I am happy to have her around.)
And I just might drink a bit of wine today....because I don't want to feel the hurt.
In the tradition of this holiday....I am truly thankful for my family (however, I miss them more than they could possibly know), health, and my job.
Happy Thanksgiving......I hope each of you can spend today with someone you love.
"You will lose someone you can't live without, and your heart will be badly broken,and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn't seal back up. And you come through. It's like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly- that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp." (Anne Lamott)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
For 2009 it will be....

After a few months of sleeping in, sitting on my ass and doing a whole lot of nothing.....i have planned the race schedule for 2009...It will be a long, hot summer for me with these two races but the first, 70.3 in Augusta, GA will allow to race right where my parents live. This way no travel for them, but they will finally get to see me race a triathlon, which is something I have wanted for a long time! YIPPPPEEEEE!!
And then will come Ironman AZ. Yes...another Ironman. I can't believe I said never. Cause I didn't mean it. I will take on the 140.6 miles with my good friend Desiree in Tempe, AZ. Here we go again folks!
The Impromptu, Un-Rehearsed Weekend....
What an incredible weekend I had! It was weekends such as what I am about to describe that I miss Austin when I am traveling a lot! I had no set plans other than singing at church on Sunday morning....and this is how the weekend unfolded.
Saturday- woke up and Miss Fuller picked me up for a wonderful morning of swim!! I am starting to get jazzed about being back in the water and really have a desire to get stronger again. We put in 2800 m with Coach Pain and felt really good! SIDE NOTE: Y'all better watch out for Miss Fuller-Phelps. She ain't playin' anymore in the water. She is getting faster with each practice and I can't wait to see what the next Tri season holds for her! Way to go lady!! After this, Fuller and I changed and went on a 4 mile run. She is training for the Austin Half in February and so it was good to get in some friend time and a quick run. I will be doing another Half Marathon in a few weeks....I know. I know.
Fuller then dropped me off at the house, I showered and then caught the bus down to the Farmer's Market...with $20 in hand, I got some tasty vegetables and got a message from Mel. She wanted to ride for 2 hours, easy, conversational and ride South over to the Tuesday nighter course. PERFECT!! I would love to! So yes, I did a broken Triathlon on Saturday just because I can. None of the workouts being hard, but fun hang times. Riding with Mel was great! We did some "interesting maneuvering around construction" (but that is all I will give away here) and had good conversation for 2 hours. I love it when days unfold like that and you weren't expecting it!
Saturday night was just some time with Sammy and early to bed as I sang at church on Sunday morning. Church was great as it was the last weekend of Soul Revolution, a 60/60 experiment in being connected with God. What I loved the most about this service is Gateway did a reverse offering. Yes, you heard that correctly. At the end of the message, the pastor had volunteers issue envelopes. Inside were different amounts of money. We had to take that money and give it to or turn it into something good. I know...nuts, right? Even my pastor said that. It brought back the point from a few months ago where I heard, We serve an uncivilized God, who calls uncivilized people to do uncivilized things. It's great because the band decided to pool the money we got in our envelopes and we are going to help a musician in need in the community. More details later on this! After church was the Empty Bowl Project, which was great. My walk home consisted of listening to a new artist, Lamya, (THANKS JASON!!!)....and putting the iPod on shuffle.
Sunday afternoon was a really good nap! (smile) and then Sunday evening was 24 Premier, AMA's, Colts game (another nail biting WIN!!) and more time with Sammy.
It's Monday and I am looking forward to two days of work this week and then some good riding the rest of the week! I am staying in Texas for Thanksgiving!
Later today I will post a few things about my races in the next year! YIKES!!!
Saturday- woke up and Miss Fuller picked me up for a wonderful morning of swim!! I am starting to get jazzed about being back in the water and really have a desire to get stronger again. We put in 2800 m with Coach Pain and felt really good! SIDE NOTE: Y'all better watch out for Miss Fuller-Phelps. She ain't playin' anymore in the water. She is getting faster with each practice and I can't wait to see what the next Tri season holds for her! Way to go lady!! After this, Fuller and I changed and went on a 4 mile run. She is training for the Austin Half in February and so it was good to get in some friend time and a quick run. I will be doing another Half Marathon in a few weeks....I know. I know.
Fuller then dropped me off at the house, I showered and then caught the bus down to the Farmer's Market...with $20 in hand, I got some tasty vegetables and got a message from Mel. She wanted to ride for 2 hours, easy, conversational and ride South over to the Tuesday nighter course. PERFECT!! I would love to! So yes, I did a broken Triathlon on Saturday just because I can. None of the workouts being hard, but fun hang times. Riding with Mel was great! We did some "interesting maneuvering around construction" (but that is all I will give away here) and had good conversation for 2 hours. I love it when days unfold like that and you weren't expecting it!
Saturday night was just some time with Sammy and early to bed as I sang at church on Sunday morning. Church was great as it was the last weekend of Soul Revolution, a 60/60 experiment in being connected with God. What I loved the most about this service is Gateway did a reverse offering. Yes, you heard that correctly. At the end of the message, the pastor had volunteers issue envelopes. Inside were different amounts of money. We had to take that money and give it to or turn it into something good. I know...nuts, right? Even my pastor said that. It brought back the point from a few months ago where I heard, We serve an uncivilized God, who calls uncivilized people to do uncivilized things. It's great because the band decided to pool the money we got in our envelopes and we are going to help a musician in need in the community. More details later on this! After church was the Empty Bowl Project, which was great. My walk home consisted of listening to a new artist, Lamya, (THANKS JASON!!!)....and putting the iPod on shuffle.
Sunday afternoon was a really good nap! (smile) and then Sunday evening was 24 Premier, AMA's, Colts game (another nail biting WIN!!) and more time with Sammy.
It's Monday and I am looking forward to two days of work this week and then some good riding the rest of the week! I am staying in Texas for Thanksgiving!
Later today I will post a few things about my races in the next year! YIKES!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I am beautiful, no matter what they say....
"When our world falls apart and we have no more faces to wear, that's when it's beautiful, and that's when we change." --Jon Foreman.
I love this quote above. I just love it. A friend shared this with me today and so I had to post it. I am learning a lot right now. I am learning it is ok to not know. The unknown has and will always be scary for me but the unknown is really causing me to trust right now. I went to church this past Sunday night after a really great morning running the San Antonio Half....a 1:51 for me...which is a Personal Best. I was 82 out of 1868 in my age group, Top 100 as Sammy would say, which is pretty darn good! Anyway, back to this post. The talk at church was really good and just what I needed. I need to know I don't have to perform. I am learning that sometimes I do wear different "faces" as I don't know that I want people to see the real, hurting me. It's not big big stuff, it's small stuff. Still trying to peal away some layers of hurt....and that can be hard. I need to know it is ok to make mistakes and I needed to hear....it is ok not to know. There is not an age that you need to have it all figured out....and that has caused the panic to go away.
So in catching up....
I had a good time traveling for work and meeting so many wonderful fundraisers for the LAF...NYC was especially great because this marathon is the cream of the crop! if you are going to do just one marathon....do that one! Trust me, it is worth it! 140 LAF runners and $500,000 raised! What a great time!
Now life back in Austin for a few weeks...which will be nice! I am going to get in some good cycling hopefully in the next few weekends. (Carrie, you in?) The weather could not be more perfect!
I am still without a car, but ok with that. I feel like I am not making any quick decisions and well, it is quite easy to get around Austin via bicycle or now the bus! (as Sammy has helped me figure out) In fact, I am enjoying taking the bus to and from work as I get up, go to the Coffee Shop on the corner and then walk about 3/4 mile to a bus stop at the bottom of the hill. Catch it and 3 stops later...I am at work. And it's only .75!!!
My race plans changed a bit next year. I thought I was going to do Ironman CdA again but due to some work conflicts, that is not going to happen. I will be doing an Ironman but that is yet to be determined as I have a good friend that would like me to do it with her. So possibly Ironman AZ is on my horizon. I think the Spring will be about Olympic Distances and just enjoying the "shorter" course again! I will go to St. Anthony's in April, Columbia IronGirl in May, some local races in June and July...a half Marathon here and there. In September, Ironman Augusta 70.3 so my parents can come out and watch me race!! I am most excited about this and then....Ironman FL or AZ in the fall?? Stay tuned.
And if you think about it....say a prayer for a friend that is facing cancer diagnosis #2 today. My heart is hurting for her and her 3 children. I pray the test is negative.
ok....I will be back more regularly...promise!
I love this quote above. I just love it. A friend shared this with me today and so I had to post it. I am learning a lot right now. I am learning it is ok to not know. The unknown has and will always be scary for me but the unknown is really causing me to trust right now. I went to church this past Sunday night after a really great morning running the San Antonio Half....a 1:51 for me...which is a Personal Best. I was 82 out of 1868 in my age group, Top 100 as Sammy would say, which is pretty darn good! Anyway, back to this post. The talk at church was really good and just what I needed. I need to know I don't have to perform. I am learning that sometimes I do wear different "faces" as I don't know that I want people to see the real, hurting me. It's not big big stuff, it's small stuff. Still trying to peal away some layers of hurt....and that can be hard. I need to know it is ok to make mistakes and I needed to hear....it is ok not to know. There is not an age that you need to have it all figured out....and that has caused the panic to go away.
So in catching up....
I had a good time traveling for work and meeting so many wonderful fundraisers for the LAF...NYC was especially great because this marathon is the cream of the crop! if you are going to do just one marathon....do that one! Trust me, it is worth it! 140 LAF runners and $500,000 raised! What a great time!
Now life back in Austin for a few weeks...which will be nice! I am going to get in some good cycling hopefully in the next few weekends. (Carrie, you in?) The weather could not be more perfect!
I am still without a car, but ok with that. I feel like I am not making any quick decisions and well, it is quite easy to get around Austin via bicycle or now the bus! (as Sammy has helped me figure out) In fact, I am enjoying taking the bus to and from work as I get up, go to the Coffee Shop on the corner and then walk about 3/4 mile to a bus stop at the bottom of the hill. Catch it and 3 stops later...I am at work. And it's only .75!!!
My race plans changed a bit next year. I thought I was going to do Ironman CdA again but due to some work conflicts, that is not going to happen. I will be doing an Ironman but that is yet to be determined as I have a good friend that would like me to do it with her. So possibly Ironman AZ is on my horizon. I think the Spring will be about Olympic Distances and just enjoying the "shorter" course again! I will go to St. Anthony's in April, Columbia IronGirl in May, some local races in June and July...a half Marathon here and there. In September, Ironman Augusta 70.3 so my parents can come out and watch me race!! I am most excited about this and then....Ironman FL or AZ in the fall?? Stay tuned.
And if you think about it....say a prayer for a friend that is facing cancer diagnosis #2 today. My heart is hurting for her and her 3 children. I pray the test is negative.
ok....I will be back more regularly...promise!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Empty Bowl Project
The Empty Bowl Project is a nationwide effort by potters to end hunger. From what I hear this is a really great event and it is this weekend in Austin!! Purchase a bowl for $15 that has been painted by a local artist, fill it up with some food of various Austin vendors that will be there! Sit, eat, enjoy live music and then go get your bowl cleaned and wrapped up to take home!! This would be a great Christmas present....buy a bowl, gift it and let the friend know that it helped feed someone with no food this holiday season!!!
I will be there? will you?
I will be there? will you?
Monday, November 17, 2008
updates....coming soon?
I know. I know....enough of the threatening emails and phone calls that I have not been good in the last month of blogging....(I love it that it is a verb now) I have much to catch you up on...hopefully in the days to come I will get a chance to write on one OR all of these topics...
*LIVESTRONG Challenge weekend and the amazing 5k and 65 mile ride I endured
*my trip to NYC with Team LIVESTRONG and in seeing really great friends!
*Election night in Times Square!
*the cancellation of Ironman CdA for next due to work conflicts.
*a realization of the pressure I continue put on myself.
*possible new album with Scotty...(a friend I have wanted to collaborate with for quite some time...this album will be amazing)
*my good friend Carrie B. (miss Tri To Be Funny blog found at the right)
*San Antonio Half marathon= a PR for me! (1:51)
*looking to December and 2009.
I promise...I will return!!!!
Life in the fast lane obviously over the past few weeks.....but I do want to write on as much of this as I can
*LIVESTRONG Challenge weekend and the amazing 5k and 65 mile ride I endured
*my trip to NYC with Team LIVESTRONG and in seeing really great friends!
*Election night in Times Square!
*the cancellation of Ironman CdA for next due to work conflicts.
*a realization of the pressure I continue put on myself.
*possible new album with Scotty...(a friend I have wanted to collaborate with for quite some time...this album will be amazing)
*my good friend Carrie B. (miss Tri To Be Funny blog found at the right)
*San Antonio Half marathon= a PR for me! (1:51)
*looking to December and 2009.
I promise...I will return!!!!
Life in the fast lane obviously over the past few weeks.....but I do want to write on as much of this as I can
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