Did you all think I had stopped listening to music? I know it has been awhile since I posted anything of substance. I am sure you all are busy making Vegan Pumpkin Pie awaiting my next post. Well here it is.
I got to see Tori Amos. Wow. (the last time I saw her was the mid 90s, so its been a few years) Her US tour is over. Sorry. However you can go to her website and download a DVD....well worth it. Her latest album, American Doll Posse is fun and rich at the same time. What made this show extra special is I got to catch up with an old friend and spend time with her and her husband. Thanks Danny and Azurae for the tickets, tex mex, margaritas...good conversation. You two are Fun with a capitol F!!!
So back to the show. ADP tour is my kind of show. Very theatrical, costumes, wigs....Tori has created 4 alter egos, Santa, Clyde, Isabel and Pip. She does the first half of her show as one of these alter egos...so no two shows are the same. Then leaves, does a costume/wig change and does the back end of the show as Tori. I got to see Isabel....

She leaves and the band rocks out to Professional Widow. What is great is this is the first time you actually hear them at a level that is perfect. These three guys are amazing together (and that is not even doing them justice)...Jon Evans, Dreamy Dan Phelps and Matt Chamberlain. (I have been a Matt fan for some time now, most recently he played on Brandi Carlile's album, The Story.) I wish the musical interlude could have lasted much longer.
Tori returns (in a silver sequin jumper that I would kill to have) and once again, commands your attention with new and old tunes. The songs I won't forget....Sweet Sangria, Cornflake Girl, Butterfly (just her and the piano), Concertina and for an Encore....she played Josephine. Josephine is probably my favorite song she does so I felt lucky to see it live.
If you are not a Tori fan, have never tried to be one.....give American Doll Posse a chance. (and let me know what you think)
"from in the shadow she calls. And in the shadow she crawls, clutching her faded photograph my image under her thumb. Yes with a message for my heart. She's been everybody else's girl maybe one day she'll be her own."